Ignore the callout below until you complete your Vision Statement at the end of the doc.

<aside> <img src="/icons/sun_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/sun_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> I will [what] [when] so I can become [identity].


*Your vision is created to pull the energy from a future potential reality. Some think of this as motivation, but vision is different. Vision is intrinsic. Vision sets the stage for complete and total alignment of your daily actions and choices.

Your job is to be as specific as you can when answering these questions. Feel the emotion that exists in the picture of the future that you create. The answers to your questions below reflect your potential. Think bigger than you ever have before.*

— Dan Koe

Lifestyle Vision

<aside> <img src="/icons/question-mark_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/question-mark_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> What would an average day look like if you had all the money in the world?


<aside> <img src="/icons/question-mark_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/question-mark_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> Where do you want to live? What’s the specific location? How does travelling fit into that (if at all)? Specificity is key.


<aside> <img src="/icons/question-mark_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/question-mark_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> Do you want a family? If so, what would family life ideally look like to you? What does an average day of family life look like?


<aside> <img src="/icons/question-mark_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/question-mark_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> How long of a workday do you want to have? If you could do anything, what would you do for work?


<aside> <img src="/icons/question-mark_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/question-mark_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> How do you want to look and feel? Low energy or high energy? Be specific! Do you want long or short hair? What clothes (if any) will you where? Tan or no tan?
